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King Faisal university

Articles by King Faisal university

Managing epileptic women in pregnancy

Published on: 2nd April, 2019

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 8056332969

Epilepsy is commonly seen in women of reproductive age and it is affecting their reproductive and pregnancy outcomes in an adverse manner [1]. It has seen that there are increased numbers of maternal deaths of pregnant women with epilepsy than those who have no any epilepsy symptoms or episodes. In many studies the common outcome observed is spontaneous miscarriage, ante partum hemorrhage or early pre term deliveries. Malformation and congenital anomalies are quite common in new born of epileptic women and also those who are on some kind of anti-epileptic medicines like valproate sodium. Death or still birth of new born babies is another complication witnessed because of epilepsy in pregnant women [2].
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