Case Report
Published: 22 August, 2023 | Volume 6 - Issue 3 | Pages: 117-119
Background: Uterine inversion is a rare obstetric emergency but potentially life-threatening condition. If these are not immediately diagnosed, the massive and underestimated blood loss can lead to hypovolemic shock.
Case: Case of 24 years old woman was referred from the district Public Health Center with vaginal bleeding after delivery with abdominal pain. We found fundal height postpartum is 3 fingers above symphysis and confirmed a soft mass protruding inside the vagina at the local examination. The ultrasound cannot present the fundus of the uterus and impressed a uterine inversion. Stabilization for the patient is done with fluid resuscitation and blood transfusion. The patient planned for exploratory laparotomy and we confirmed uterine inversion. We did per abdominal reposition success which was managed by Haultain’s method.
Conclusion: Uterine inversion should be considered in any patient with symptoms of hemorrhage and abdominopelvic pain, with the physical findings of a soft, congested, bleeding mass within the vagina on bimanual examination. Prompt treatment consists of fluid resuscitation and anatomical repositioning is needed.
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Haultain’s method; Uterine inversion; Postpartum hemorrhage
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