
Case Report

Hypertriglyceridemia induced acute pancreatitis in pregnancy: Learning experiences and challenges of a Case report

Sufia Athar*, Joohi Ramawat, Mohammad Abdel Aziz and Vincent Boama

Published: 14 May, 2019 | Volume 2 - Issue 1 | Pages: 006-012

Hyperglyceridemia induced pancreatitis in pregnancy accounts for 4% of all cases of acute pancreatitis. Though rare, hypertriglyceridemia induced pancreatitis may lead to fatal maternal and fetal complications, even maternal death. Its management during pregnancy remains a challenge for many physicians. Management options are limited in pregnancy. In the refractory cases, management options and timing of delivery is debatable. Here we report a case of hyperglyceridemia induced pancreatitis and the challenges faced in the management.

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Hypertriglyceridemia, pancreatitis, pregnancy


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