
Research Article

Value of ambulatory blood pressure measure in pregnancy hypertension

Ana Correia* and Fátima Leitão

Published: 09 November, 2018 | Volume 1 - Issue 2 | Pages: 067-072

It is still not well known the prognostic cardiovascular value of 24h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in the pregnant woman with hypertension.

Objectives: Assess to the prognostic value of ABPM parameters in predicting maternofetal event.

Methods: Retrospective and observational study which included 166 pregnant women.

Results: The authors found that the night time DBP was the best predictor of adverse events. Non-dipper profile had worse survival at follow up until delivery compared to those with a dipper profile.

Conclusions: ABPM is a tool for pregnant with HT because this is the unique method available that analyses the night blood pressure.

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Hypertension; Pregnancy-induced; Pre-eclampsia; Blood pressure monitoring; Ambulatory; Masked hypertension; White coat hypertension


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